Report on the CoC committee activities in 2020

Friday 28th May 2021

The CoC committee investigated two CoC violation incidents in 2020.

One incident allegedly happened at MICCAI 2020. After an investigation led by the safety officers under the supervision of a consultant from an external HR firm, the Board voted on sanctions and the offender was asked to follow training on unconscious biases and sexism before being allowed to register again for MICCAI.

The second incident allegedly happened at a previous meeting in 2016. Due to the complexity of the case, a consultant from an external HR firm was hired to conduct an investigation. Based on the investigation report and suggestions from the independent organization, the Board voted on two sets of sanctions: a ban from attending a number of conferences and the requirement to sign the new code of conduct and provide proof of attending an anti-harassment training before being allowed to register again for MICCAI. 

The Board takes the safety of all participants very seriously and is committed to investigating all the CoC violations that are reported to the

All reports will be treated confidentially.