Register for the next MSB Webinar: In AI we Trust? Towards ethical AI in medical imaging.

Sunday 15th October 2023

MSB Webinar: In AI we trust? Towards ethical AI in medical imaging.

Wednesday, October 25th, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM UTC / 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT

The MICCAI Student Board is happy to announce the third event in the MSB Webinar Series, a webinar on ethical AI in medical imaging. Join us on Wednesday, October 25th for an interactive discussion about the challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations surrounding AI applications in the medical imaging field. This session aims to shed light on the responsibilities of researchers and practitioners in ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used in ways that prioritize patient safety, fairness, and transparency. So mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 25th, and join us for this informative session.

About the Speaker:

Karim Lekadir is the Director of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Lab at the University of Barcelona (BCN-AIM). His research interests revolve around the concept of trustworthy AI and related methods such as domain adaptation, algorithmic fairness, federated learning, AI traceability, and AI validation. He is the Scientific Coordinator of several large-scale European projects in the field of medical AI, including in cardiology (euCanSHare), oncology (EuCanImage, RadioVal) and mental health (EarlyCause). He is the PI of an ERC Consolidator Grant to develop novel AI methods for accessible medical imaging in low-resource settings (AIMIX). He also coordinated the FUTURE-AI consortium which established international guidelines for trustworthy AI in healthcare. He is General Chair of MICCAI 2024, the first edition of MICCAI to take place on the African continent.

Join us on Wednesday, October 25th, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM UTC / 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT

Registration (required) is free and open to everyone: 

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