NEW Open Data Initiative at MICCAI 2024

Friday 10th May 2024

Announcing the Open Data Session during MICCAI 2024. 

As the landscape of medical machine learning continues to evolve, access to diverse, representative, and inclusive datasets has become paramount for addressing global healthcare challenges effectively. The Open Data initiative aims to empower collaboration and innovation by facilitating and promoting sharing of medical imaging datasets.

In its dawn, while open to any participants, the Open Data Initiative focuses particularly on underrepresented populations and diseases. Despite significant progress in medical imaging research and the availability of several public datasets, there remains a critical gap in the availability of diverse datasets, such as from the African continent. By highlighting datasets from these currently underrepresented populations, we strive to address disparities in healthcare and promote inclusivity in machine learning research.

The Open Data Session will run in the afternoon of October 7, in parallel with the main track of MICCAI 2024. Hence, if you are attending MICCAI 2024, you can visit the Open Data event: no separate registration is required!

The presented data and related works will be selected based on peer-reviewed paper submissions. The MELBA journal will serve as the official journal for submissions from the MICCAI Open Data Session. More info on the call for papers to follow soon.

We look forward to seeing you at the 1st Open Data session at MICCAI 2024 - welcome!

More information can found on the conference website.

Martijn P.A. Starmans, Apostolia Tsirikoglou
Open Data Organizing Committee