RISE-MICCAI Board - Call for Applications

Wednesday 5th June 2024

The RISE-MICCAI Board was approved and established by the MICCAI Society Board in late 2021. Since then, the mission of RISE-MICCAI has been to propel inclusiveness and geographic diversity within the MICCAI community and empower MICCAI researchers in Low-to-Middle Income Countries (LMIC).

We are soliciting applications for all RISE-MICCAI Board roles as listed below. Membership on the RISE-MICCAI Board requires membership in the MICCAI Society and participation at previous MICCAI conferences and RISE-MICCAI events.

The new Board membership will take effect on 11/01/2024 for up to two to three years depending on the committee role.

The application material required includes a copy of your CV and a short statement (two-page maximum) highlighting past and current involvement with MICCAI and RISE and experience in promoting diversity in the MICCAI Society community. We encourage applications from all genders, racial and ethnic groups, and career stages.

Please apply via this form.
Application deadline: July 25, 2024

For more information about RISE-MICCAI, please check our website.

RISE MICCAI Board Open Positions:

  • RISE President (voting)
  • RISE President Assistant  (voting)
  • RISE Sponsorship Chair(voting)
  • RISE Industry Liaison (non-voting)
  • RISE Tutorial Coordinator (non-voting)
  • RISE Journal Club Coordinator (non-voting)
  • RISE Summer/Winter School Coordinator (non-voting)

For further inquiries, please feel free to contact the RISE MICCAI Election officer at: andrealh@galileo.edu

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!


RISE MICCAI Board 2024