Update on MICCAI 2024 Paper Review Process (August 2024)

Tuesday 6th August 2024

The paper decisions for MICCAI 2024 were sent to all authors on June 17 with a competitive acceptance rate of approximately 30%; about 11% of submissions were provisionally accepted pre-rebuttal. We would like to thank all authors who submitted manuscripts for the effort they put into preparing their papers and hope to see most of them in Marrakesh.

Below, we share additional information about the review process and early paper statistics.

First, a reminder that we had an unprecedented number of 2879 submissions, which required additional resources and effort to ensure each paper received adequate evaluation. We are immensely grateful to the area chairs and reviewers for their great work and dedication throughout the intense review process. We could not have successfully completed it without you. A very special mention goes to Kitty Wong and her relentless engagement with everyone involved in the review process.

Of the 857 papers provisionally accepted at MICCAI 2024, about 72% identified MIC as their primary area, 10% CAI,16% MIC+CAI, and 2% other. Clinical Translation of Methodology was selected by 6% of the papers, and Health Equity by 4%.

Papers accepted for presentation originate from 43 countries. Two thirds of these papers are from five countries or administrative regions, as identified by the primary author of each paper, i.e., China (327), USA (133), Germany (56), Hong Kong SAR (55), and UK (55). The next five countries in descending order of the number of accepted papers are Korea (34), Canada (26), France (22), Australia (16), and India (15). Thirty-one papers originate from lower and middle-income countries other than China, i.e., Egypt, India, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Six papers have the primary author based in Africa, including South Africa. Three papers originate from Latin America, all from Colombia. We welcome the increase in diversity at MICCAI while we acknowledge that much more needs to be done.

With the help of our reviewers and area chairs, we identified pairs of concurrent MICCAI submissions with similar content and cases with double submission. Four papers were reported to the MICCAI Board for potential self-plagiarism and violation of the Code of Ethics. Two additional cases are being investigated by the MICCAI Board for potential plagiarism (other than self-plagiarism) and sanctions are under consideration.

Decisions were based on all available information, including paper screening, adherence to author submission guidelines, reviews, rebuttals, 2-3 independent meta reviews, communications during the review process, and, in some cases, additional assessment from the Program Chairs. We scrutinized papers flagged during reviews, manuscripts of special interest, potential plagiarism, and appeals from authors. This resulted in only very few changes in the provisional decisions of acceptance or rejection. All decisions are now finalized with the exception of the few cases under investigation by the MICCAI Board. We would like to remind all authors that all provisional decisions are subject to additional checks before final decisions. Each paper also requires a registered author to present in-person in Marrakesh.

Fairness in review is a top priority for us and the entire Program Committee worked tirelessly to ensure all papers received the best possible evaluation. As no review process is perfect, we appreciate everyone’s understanding if anything slipped our attention.

While the review process has come to an end, there are many more exciting initiatives on the road to MICCAI 2024. Please check the new initiatives and satellite events, including multiple ongoing challenges you can still join, and visit the conference website for the latest updates, on keynotes, Open Data track, CLINICCAI, and student events. There are still African Travel Grants available for those eligible.

Many thanks for helping to make MICCAI 2024 successful. We look forward to welcoming you in Marrakesh!

Marius George Linguraru, Qi Dou, Aasa Feragen, Matina Giannarou, and Ben Glocker
Program Chairs, MICCAI 2024