Accepting applications to the MICCAI Society Mentorship Program

Thursday 15th August 2024

Are you an early-career researcher looking for advice from experts in academia or industry?

Do you have questions about how to grow your career, publish in high-impact venues, address career challenges, write a grant, find a fellowship or build a research lab or a start-up?

Sign-up by August 25, 2024.

The MICCAI Society Mentorship Program can help you develop your career with access to a mentor who will discuss your needs with you. Mentors are selected based on diversity in scientific expertise, academia/ industry/ government/ entrepreneurship background, and areas of interest.

A special focus of the program is to support under-represented collectives in MICCAI to advance their scientific career and recognize and address career challenges. We work with a network of mentors committed to welcoming and supporting women and minorities in all stages of their careers.


The MICCAI Society Mentorship Program will provide support to identify and match mentors and mentees within the MICCAI Society. Requirements for participation includes:

  • Minimum commitment of six months and up to two years.

There is no limit on the number of meetings as the program encourages regular communication between the mentors and mentees.

  • Membership in the MICCAI society at the time of application.

Exceptions may be permitted for applicants from low- and middle-income countries. Candidates applying for exception must submit a letter of motivation highlighting the candidate's compatibility with the mentorship program and the career goals that the mentee requests help.

Selection Criteria

All students, early career postdoctoral investigators and researchers looking to advance their careers are welcome to apply. We hope to accept as many applicants as possible. However, the number of accepted mentees will be limited by the number of available mentors and program resources.

Priority will be given to students, postdoctoral fellows and early career applicants. Other selection criteria for mentees are diversity in the following areas:
•Areas of interest of mentees
• Availability of required expertise by mentors
• Gender and minority representation


To apply, please review the MICCAI Terms of the Mentorship Relationship and complete the Expression of Interest form.

We will send further instructions to the interested candidates via the registered email.

Application deadline: August 25, 2024

Note that the MICCAI Society Mentorship Program is a continuous program, and it is no longer linked to the annual MICCAI Conference.

To learn more about the MICCAI Society Mentorship Program click here.

For any further inquiries, please write to