The election of Fellows of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Society is made annually to a small number of senior members of the MICCAI community in recognition of substantial scientific contributions to the MICCAI research field and service to the MICCAI community.
The first awards were announced in 2009.
The regulations regarding Fellowship and the Election Process can be found here.
Purang Abolmaesumi (University of British Columbia, Canada), 2020
For contributions to ultrasound segmentation, ultrasound time-series analysis and multimodal image registration
Nicholas Ayache (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France), 2009
For scientific contributions to biomedical image analysis and simulation, and promotion of the field through journal editorship and conference organization.
Stephen Aylward (NVIDIA, USA), 2019
For his work in promoting open source software, his outstanding service to the MICCAI community and his contributions to the field of medical image analysis.
Christian Barillot (IRISA-CNRS, France), 2011 - Obituary
For significant contributions to neuro-imaging and brain image analysis.
Marleen de Bruijne (Erasmus Medical Centre, NL and University of Copenhagen, Denmark), 2021
For strong contributions to medical image analysis and advanced developments of machine learning techniques.
Alan Colchester (University of Kent, UK), 2009
For scientific contributions to neuro-image analysis and service to the MICCAI Society.
Dorin Comaniciu (Siemens Corp. Technology, Princeton, USA), 2015
For contributions to the theory and practice of medical imaging and image-guided interventions.
Hervé Delingette (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France), 2019
For pioneering contributions in deformable models for medical image analysis, computational physiology, real-time surgery simulation and applications to computer assisted interventions.
Takeyoshi Dohi (University of Tokyo, Japan), 2009
For scientific contributions to computer-aided surgery and medical robotics and promotion of the field through involvement in the MICCAI Society and related professional societies.
James Duncan (Yale University, USA), 2010
For outstanding scientific contributions to biomedical image analysis, and active promotion of the field through conference organization, journal editorship and exceptional service to the MICCAI Society.
Gabor Fichtinger (Queen’s University, Canada), 2011
For significant contributions to the field of image-guided needle-based surgery and robotic & augmented reality assistance of these procedures.
Alejandro Frangi (Leeds University, UK), 2021
For outstanding contributions to computational medical imaging
James Gee (Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA), 2024
For pioneering development and open-source distribution of computational methods in medical imaging science.
Guido Gerig (New York University, USA), 2009
For scientific contributions to neuro-imaging and image analysis, and service to the field through conference organization and committee membership.
Polina Golland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA), 2016
For contributions to biomedical image analysis, shape and statistical modelling of image data.
Hayit Greenspan (Tel-Aviv University, Israel and Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, NY, USA), 2024
For outstanding contributions to the development of machine learning methods in medical image computing and for tireless support of the MICCAI Society.
Gregory Hager (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA), 2015
For contributions to the development of advanced imaging, methods for image guidance, and the quantification of human performance with interventional systems.
Nobuhiko Hata (Harvard University, USA), 2020
For significant impact on the field of computer aided interventions.
David Hawkes (University College London, UK), 2009
For scientific contributions to biomedical image analysis and image-guided interventions, and service to the field through conference organization.
Karl Heinz Höhne (University of Hamburg, Germany), 2009
For scientific contributions to medical image visualization and service to the MICCAI Society.
Pierre Jannin (Université de Rennes, France), 2018
For contributions to computer assisted surgery, surgical ontology, surgical process modelling, validation, and image guided neurosurgery.
Leo Joskowicz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel), 2017
For contributions to computer assisted surgery, medical robotics, and medical image processing.
Ron Kikinis (Harvard Medical School, USA), 2009
For scientific contributions to neuro-imaging and the development of image-guided therapy tools for clinical practice.
Lena Maier-Hein (DKFZ, Germany), 2019
For exceptional contributions in computer assisted interventions, multimodal endoscopy, Surgical Data Science.
Anne Martel (University of Toronto, Canada), 2018
For contributions to the science of medical image computing and for distinguished service to the MICCAI conference and Society.
Dimitris Metaxas (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA), 2016
For contributions to deformable-model based estimation and learning.
Kensaku Mori (Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan), 2015
For sustained high quality contributions to medical image computing and computer-assisted interventions.
Parvin Mousavi (Queen's University, Canada), 2021
For sustained high-quality contributions to ultrasound-guided Interventions and computer-assisted surgery
Nassir Navab (Technical University of Munich, Germany), 2012
For contributions to image-guided interventions through image registration and segmentation.
Wiro Niessen (Erasmus Medical Centre, The Netherlands), 2012
For significant scientific contributions to medical image analysis, and promotion of the field through organizational activities.
Alison Noble (Oxford University UK), 2012
For contributions to medical image analysis, and in particular ultrasound image analysis applied in cardiology and oncology.
Sebastien Ourselin (King’s College London, UK), 2016
For contributions to multi-modal image registration and neuroimaging.
Nicolas Padoy (University of Strasbourg, France), 2024
For contributions to modeling and automatic analysis and recognition of activity in surgery and interventional radiology and for development and dissemination of surgical data science.
Xavier Pennec (INRIA, France), 2017
For pioneering theoretical contributions grounding the field of computational anatomy, shape statistics and medical image computing.
Dinggang Shen (ShanghaiTech University, China), 2020
For significant contribution to development of novel image analysis algorithms and tools
Terry Peters (Robarts Research Institute, Canada), 2009
For scientific contributions to image-guided surgery and service to the MICCAI Society.
Stephen Pizer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA), 2010
For lifelong commitment to advance medical image computing, particularly methodologies for shape statistics and image analysis, and efforts to transfer image technology to the clinic including research that led to the spin-off company Morphormics Inc.
Josien Pluim (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), 2017
For outstanding contributions to medical image computing and distinguished service to the MICCAI Society.
Jerry Prince (Johns Hopkins University, USA), 2011
For significant scientific contributions to medical imaging and image analysis.
Rich Robb (Mayo Clinic USA), 2009 - Obituary
For scientific contributions to biomedical image analysis and visualization and service to the MICCAI Society.
Daniel Rueckert (Imperial College London UK and Technical University of Munich. Germany), 2014
For impact in biomedical image analysis and computer aided diagnosis.
Septimu (Tim) Salcudean (University of British Columbia, Canada), 2013
For contributions to ultrasound- guided procedures and their simulation.
Julia Schnabel (King’s College London, UK - and Technical University of Munich & Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany), 2018
For contributions to multiple areas of medical image computing, and for distinguished service to the MICCAI conference and Society.
Milan Sonka (University of Iowa, USA), 2014
For contributions to quantitative medical image analysis.
Yoshinobu Sato (Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan), 2023
For pioneering work on Computational Anatomy and Computer Assisted Interventions and exceptional contributions to the MICCAI Society.
Stefanie Speidel (National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden, Germany), 2023
For outstanding contributions to Surgical Data Science and to the MICCAI Community.
Lawrence Staib (Yale University), 2022
For significant scientific contributions to the field of medical image computing and analysis
Danail Stoyanov (University College London, UK), 2023
For contributions computer assisted interventions, medical robotics and computer vision techniques for surgical scene understanding and to the MICCAI Community.
Tanveer Syeda -Mahmood (IBM Research, USA). 2022
For outstanding research and innovation contributions to artificial intelligence in medical image analysis and bioinformatics
Gabor Szekely (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland), 2013
For achievements in simulations for surgical training and medical modeling approaches via computational geometry methods.
Chris Taylor (University of Manchester, UK), 2009
For scientific contributions to biomedical image analysis, and active promotion of the field through conference organisation and professional organisation and journal editorial board membership.
Russ Taylor (Johns Hopkins University, USA), 2009
For scientific contributions to computer-integrated surgery and medical robotics and service to the field through membership of editorial boards and program committees.
Jocelyne Troccaz (TIMC, France), 2010
For scientific contributions to computer-aided surgery and medical robotics and for promotion of the field through involvement in the MICCAI Society and related professional societies.
Max Viergever (Utrecht University, Netherlands), 2009
For scientific contributions to medical image computing, and service to the field through journal editorship and board membership.
Williams (Sandy) Wells (Harvard Medical School, Boston USA), 2014
For ground-breaking work on MRI segmentation and multi-modality image registration.
Guang-Zhong Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), 2013
For outstanding contribution to medical robotics and image-guided intervention.
S. Kevin Zhou (University of Science and Technology of China, China), 2022
For contributions to the theory and application of medical image computing and their translation into clinical practice.