Women in MICCAI
Mission Statement
The mission of the Women in MICCAI (WiM) Committee is to strengthen and widen the representation of female scientists in the MICCAI community by pursuing policies that encourage more female participation in the field and ensure fair and equitable career promotion for female faculty and students - policies that assist in overcoming implicit gender bias within the community. WiM’s activities include: the coordination with the organizers of the annual MICCAI conferences, the organization of networking events within the community particularly at the MICCAI conference on an annual basis, the development and maintenance of online discussion and promotion platforms (e.g. Twitter Facebook, LinkedIn, Googlegroups), and interfacing and advising the MICCAI board on related matters.
The first of a series of informal, hour-long, networking events for female scientists within the community were held at MICCAI 2015 and at ISBI 2016. Several successful workshops for Women at CVPR and Women in Machine Learning were (WiML) were recently held. Based on the discussions and issues raised at those events, a group of faculty members in the community (Tal Arbel, Parvin Mousavi, Ipek Oguz, Gozde Unal) proposed to create a “Women in MICCAI (WiM) Committee”. Dr. Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Fellow IBM, joined as an executive member from industry. The WiM committee was approved by the MICCAI board in October 2016. The executives of the committee change over time with founding and previous board members remaining involved as advisors. Membership is open to everyone.
WiM Code of Conduct
email: womeninmiccai@gmail.com
Google Group for Email newsletters:
Discord online community
WiM Inspirational Leadership Legacy
Board Members
Ruogu Fang (University of Florida) - President
Lei Li (National University of Singapore) - Secretary
Can Zhao (NVIDIA) - Industrial Liaison
Nicha Dvornek (Yale University) - Honorary Elections Officer
Feng Yang (Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) - Annual Event Executive
Nadieh Khalili (Radboud University) - Annual Event Executive
Danli Shi (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) - Award Officer
Weina Jin (Simon Fraser University) - Public Outreach and Membership Officer
Azade Farshad (Technical University of Munich) - Public Outreach and Membership Officer
Bella Specktor (University of Haifa) - Community Engagement Officer
Fetemeh Zabihollay (University of Toronto) - Code of Conduct Officer
Ines Prata Machado (University of Cambridge) - Industrial Liaison
Sejung Yang (Yonsei University) - WiM Local Officer
Ruogu Fang (University of Florida) - President
Lei Li (University of Oxford) - Secretary
Feng Yang (Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) - Annual Event Executive
Nadieh Khalili (Radboud University)
Noha El-Zehiry (Wipro) - Industrial Liaison
Weina Jin (Simon Fraser University) - Public Outreach and Membership Officer
Azade Farshad (Technical University of Munich)
Nicha Dvornek (Yale University) - Honorary Elections Officer
Alice Othmani (Université Paris-Est Créteil) - Code of Conduct Officer
Bella Specktor (Haifa University) - Community Engagement Officer
Xiaoxiao Li (The University of British Columbia) – President
Baiying Lei (Shenzhen University) – Secretary
Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin (Zebra Medical Vision) – Annual Event Executive
Rui Liao (Siemens Healthineers) – Industrial Liaison
Jessica Rodgers (University of Manitoba) – Public Outreach Officer
Lei Li (University of Oxford), Public Outreach Officer
Francesca Galassi (University of Rennes, Inria-Irisa) – Election Officer
Ghada Zamzmi (National Institute of Health (NIH)) – Code of Conduct Officer
Islem Rekik (Istanbul Technical University) – President
Pallavi Tiwari (Case School of Engineering) – Annual Event Executive
Linwei Wang (Rochester Institute of Technology) – Election Officer
Duygu Sarikaya (Gazi University) – Outreach Officer
Thi Hoang Ngan Le (University of Arkansas) – Annual Event Executive
Islem Rekik (Istanbul Technical University) – President
Pallavi Tiwari (Case School of Engineering) – Annual Event Executive
Despina Kontos (University of Pennsylvania) – MICCAI Board Liaison Officer
Linwei Wang (Rochester Institute of Technology) – Election Officer
Duygu Sarikaya (Gazi University) – Outreach Officer
Thi Hoang Ngan Le (University of Arkansas) – Annual Event Executive
Beatriz Paniagua (Kitware/University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)) – Advisor
Islem Rekik (Istanbul Technical University) – President
Pallavi Tiwari (Case School of Engineering) – Annual Event Executive
Despina Kontos (University of Pennsylvania) – MICCAI Board Liaison Officer
Linwei Wang (Rochester Institute of Technology) – Election Officer
Duygu Sarikaya (University of Rennes 1) – Outreach Officer
Thi Hoang Ngan Le (University of Arkansas) – Annual Event Executive
Ipek Oguz (Vandelbilt University) – Advisor
Parvin Mousavi (Queen's University) – Advisor
Founding Members
Tal Arbel (McGill University) – Advisor
Gozde Unal (Istanbul Technical University) – Advisor
Parvin Mousavi (Queen's University) – Advisor