
Greetings from the Board

By S. Kevin Zhou, Treasurer

image17Season’s greetings on behalf of the MICCAI Society Board!

First of all, I want to thank the MICCAI 2023 General Co-Chairs, Organizing and Program Committees for organizing an immensely successful annual conference. If you were one of the more than 2000 people who participated, either in-person or virtually, I am sure you were able to benefit from the information shared and made many new contacts at the same time. 

If were not able to attend, I hope you will plan to attend MICCAI 2024 in Marrakesh, Morocco. It will be an unforgettable edition of our annual conference. Watch for calls for papers, challenges, tutorials and workshops that will be issued soon.

Congratulations to all of the 2023 Award winners! We were excited to recognize and reward the commitment and determination it takes to conduct and present such high-quality research. You can find a full listing of award recipients on the MICCAI website on the awards page. ( We were also excited to announce the 2023 Enduring Impact Award winner and the 2023 MICCAI Fellows. There’s more about that in this newsletter.

Also in this issue, you’ll find the latest news from the MICCAI Student Board, RISE-MICCAI and Women in MICCAI. Each of these groups held successful and informative events at MICCAI 2023 that contributed significantly to the success of the overall conference. Thank you!

In early 2024, we will be issuing a call for proposals to host MICCAI 2027, which according to the geographic rotation, will take place in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa).

Lastly, it's election time for the MICCAI Society Board of Directors. May I remind MICCAI members to enter your vote for the member-elected position by December 20, 2023. Check your inbox for information about how to vote.

On a personal note

Time flies, but I didn't expect that the flying speed would be so quick! All of a sudden, I have served the Society in the capacity of board member and then treasurer for five years. Reflecting on what has happened to MICCAI during these years, I am very delighted to witness the growth of our Society along with the AI boom. However, the pandemic profoundly impacted many aspects: virtual / hybrid meeting, skyrocketing expenses, complex geopolitical situations, etc. 

While our society came out stronger in terms of financials after the pandemic, we will now have to deal with post-pandemic challenges. This definitely requires your continuous support to forge a stronger MICCAI community and I will do the same.

