By Andrea Lara and Islem Rekik

RISE Board Election 2024

We are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to join the RISE-MICCAI Board. As a board member, you will have the opportunity to share your expertise, network with other professionals, and make a lasting impact on our organization and the MICCAI community. More information at RISE MICCAI Membership Board Application

RISE Summer School 2024 - Fair Federated AI Summer School

The summer school will thoroughly introduce Federated Learning and Fairness in AI for medical imaging, followed by a Kaggle competition. The sessions will include both theoretical foundations and practical Jupyter notebook labs with teaching assistants.

RISE Summer School 2026





For more follow us at https://github.com/RISE-MICCAI/FIFAI-Summer-School-2024  

Call for volunteers for the RISE Journal Club

We seek volunteers to present research papers published in high-impact journals and top-tier conferences in machine learning, computer vision, and medical image analysis to the RISE community. Your time will contribute to empowering researchers in LMICs and building collaborative bridges across countries.

The Journal Club runs fortnightly on Saturdays at 4 pm CEST (Central European Time) for 1h30 to 2hr. 

If you are interested in leading a paper discussion session, please contact esther.puyol_anton@kcl.ac.uk  or fill out the attached form with all the required fields at https://shorturl.at/hqEGJ 

For more about RISE-MICCAI, the RISE 2024 Journal Club, and Upcoming Events, check our website at http://www.miccai.org/about-miccai/rise-miccai/

Follow us on GitHub at https://github.com/RISE-MICCAI

And join our mailing list to receive updates about our RISE activities at https://bit.ly/2VMPHXc