
Upcoming Board elections

By Max Viergever, Honorary Election Officer

Early 2025, four directors will be completing their terms on the MICCAI Society Board of Directors. Our sincere appreciation goes to Caroline Essert (President), Marius George Linguraru, Le Lu, and Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood for their valuable leadership and unwavering dedication to the Society. Their insights and guidance are greatly appreciated.

We will soon begin the process of selecting three new members to our board. These positions consist of one member-elected position, one board-elected position, with the third being the Chair of the MICCAI 2026 conference. As Honorary Election Officer, Max Viergever will be overseeing and administering the election process.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Board? Do you know someone who would be an excellent fit? Here’s an overview of the criteria and the election process.

First, one board member is elected by the membership of the MICCAI Society. To be nominated for the member-elected position, the following criteria must be met:

  • Only members of the MICCAI Society can nominate and be nominated. Self-nomination is not allowed.
  • In addition to the primary nomination by the nominator, each nominee needs a total of three nomination endorsements by MICCAI Society members from three different institutions.
  • Each Society member can nominate only one candidate for this election.  

The call for nominations will be sent to members shortly after the MICCAI conference. Nominations are expected to close on November 8, 2024. 

Once the new membership-elected Board member is known, the procedure to select the Board-elected member will begin. This election is expected to take place in December. 

The third new Board member is the chair of MICCAI 2026. At the time of this newsletter, the location of MICCAI 2026 has not been identified.

Furthermore, a new President will be elected from and by the current Board members. This will take place in the period October – December 2024.

We will be announcing the elected President and the three new board members in January 2025.

Know someone who you’d like to nominate?

First, make sure your MICCAI Society membership is in good standing, Then, watch for the Call for Nominations later this fall.